Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Creating puppetlab with vagrant and bash shell

#To create puppetlab environment, we need to first install virtualbox and vagrant.(Each virtualbox.org and vagrangup.com).

#Vagrantfile use bash(other shell?) shell to install update guest os as in Linux servers such as centos, debian and ubuntu.
#Here is my Vagrantfile.
# Wee need to first create vagrant box. We can obtain those boxes from "https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search". Or we can create box on our own.

I made boxes on my filesystem like belows.

whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/deploy_rails $ ls ../vg/*.box
../vg/apm.box  ../vg/centos70.box  ../vg/package.box  ../vg/ubuntu14.box

My humble article shortly explained.

#Here is my Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|

  config.vm.define "puppetmaster" do |puppetmaster|
   puppetmaster.vm.box = "puppetmaster"
   puppetmaster.vm.box_url = "file:///home/whatsup/vg/ubuntu14.box"
   puppetmaster.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo now time to executing shell"
   puppetmaster.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo timezone config; echo 'Asia/Seoul' > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata"
   puppetmaster.vm.provision "shell", :path => "install-puppet-master.sh"
   puppetmaster.vm.network "private_network",ip:""
        #virtualbox__nat: false
   puppetmaster.vm.host_name = "puppetmaster"
      puppetmaster.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
        vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,"--memory","1024"]

  config.vm.define "puppetclient1" do |puppetclient1|
   puppetclient1.vm.box = "puppetclient1"
   puppetclient1.vm.box_url = "file:///home/whatsup/vg/ubuntu14.box"
   puppetclient1.vm.provision "shell", :path => "install-puppet-node.sh"
   puppetclient1.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo now time to executing shell"
   puppetclient1.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo timezone config; echo 'Asia/Seoul' > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata"
   puppetclient1.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"
   puppetclient1.vm.network "private_network",ip:""
   puppetclient1.vm.host_name = "puppetclient1"
      puppetclient1.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
        vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,"--memory","1024"]

  config.vm.define "puppetclient2" do |puppetclient2|
   puppetclient2.vm.box = "puppetclient2"
   puppetclient2.vm.box_url = "file:///home/whatsup/vg/ubuntu14.box"
   puppetclient2.vm.provision "shell", :path => "install-puppet-node.sh"
   puppetclient2.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo now time to executing shell"
   puppetclient2.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo timezone config; echo 'Asia/Seoul' > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata"
   puppetclient2.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"
   puppetclient2.vm.network "private_network",ip:""
   puppetclient2.vm.host_name = "puppetclient2"
      puppetclient2.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
        vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,"--memory","256"]
        vb.cpus = 1

  config.vm.define "puppetclient3" do |puppetclient3|
   puppetclient3.vm.box = "puppetclient3"
   puppetclient3.vm.box_url = "file:///home/whatsup/test/package.box"
   puppetclient3.vm.provision "shell", :path => "install-puppet-node.sh"
   puppetclient3.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo now time to executing shell"
   puppetclient3.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo timezone config; echo 'Asia/Seoul' > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata"
   puppetclient3.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"
   puppetclient3.vm.network "private_network",ip:""
   puppetclient3.vm.host_name = "puppetclient3"
      puppetclient3.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
        vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,"--memory","256"]
        vb.cpus = 1


  config.vm.define "centos7-puppet-client" do |ct7|
   ct7.vm.box = "ct7"
   ct7.vm.box_url = "file:///home/whatsup/vg/centos7-puppet-client0.box"
   ct7.vm.provision "shell", :path => "install-puppet-centos7.sh"
   ct7.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo now time to executing shell"
   ct7.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo timezone config; timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Seoul"
   ct7.vm.network "private_network", ip:""
   ct7.vm.host_name = "centos7-puppet-client"
     ct7.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
      vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "256"]

#And shell script that are inserted into Vagrantfile are as follows.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

  #remove previous packages
  apt-get remove --purge -y puppet*

   if  [[ $RV != "0" ]]
       echo -e "\e[31m $JOB failed please check"
       exit $RV
       echo -e "\e[34m $JOB successful"



   /usr/bin/which puppet
   sudo rm -rf /var/log/puppet
   JOB="puppet remove check on ubuntu14.04 trusty"

   #install trusty puppet-package
   wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
   sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
   sudo apt-get update -y


   sudo apt-get install puppetmaster-passenger -y

#puppet package install for puppet master
whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/deploy_rails $ cat install-puppet-node.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

  #remove previous packages
  sudo apt-get remove --purge -y puppet*

   if  [[ $RV != "0" ]]
       echo -e "\e[31m $JOB failed please check"
       exit $RV
       echo -e "\e[34m $JOB successful"

   /usr/bin/which puppet
   sudo rm -rf /var/log/puppet
   JOB="puppet remove check on ubuntu14.04 trusty"

   #install trusty puppet-package
   wget https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
   sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
   sudo apt-get update -y

   sudo apt-get install puppet -y

#puppet package install for puppet master

whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/deploy_rails $ cat install-puppet-centos7.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash

  #remove previous packages
  sudo yum remove  -y puppet*

   if  [[ $RV != "0" ]]
       echo -e "\e[31m $JOB failed please check"
       exit $RV
       echo -e "\e[34m $JOB successful"

   /usr/bin/which puppet
   sudo rm -rf /var/log/puppet
   JOB="puppet remove check on centos7 "

   #install centos7 puppet-package
    sudo rpm -ivh http://yum.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-el-7.noarch.rpm

   sudo yum update -y

   #install puppet with yum
   sudo yum install puppet

###If everything prepared, vagrant up command will make up basic puppetlab###

### I wrote master and node setup on my blog###

Puppet master and node configuration

1. This very small lab has three servers. First is master, second is client1(puppetclient1),node2(puppetclient2).
To resolve dns, I put host information on each nodes including master.

First of all, master.

#Puppet node(client) search for first puppet.hostname.com and if that is not exist then search puppet.
#It is a must to set puppet hostname or alias to puppetmaster.
#So edit /etc/hosts file should be correct to operate puppet system correctly.

root@puppetmaster:~# vi /etc/hosts
#puppet nodes first search domain puppet if not resolved by  puppetmaster puppet  puppetclient1  puppetclient2

#Above configuration is saying that now puppet architecture is puppetmaster(puppet) and 2 nodes(client).

#Next we must tell dns_alt_names to puppet master.
root@puppetmaster:~# vi /etc/puppet/puppet.conf


# These are needed when the puppetmaster is run by passenger
# and can safely be removed if webrick is used.
ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
dns_alt_names = puppet,puppetclient1,puppetclient2

#On production server, recommended configuration is as follows.
#From puppetlabs.com. For the purpose of reference.
certname = puppetmaster01.example.com
server = puppet
environment = production
runinterval = 1h
strict_variables = true

dns_alt_names = puppetmaster01,puppetmaster01.example.com,puppet,puppet.example.com
reports = puppetdb
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb
storeconfigs = true
environment_timeout = unlimited

#puppet master receving request via 8140 port. There is also 443 port and 80 port is on.
#Later , when puppet is stablized, we better check these open port is necessary or not.

root@puppetmaster:~# netstat -tpln
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1697/sshd      
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      1697/sshd      
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      4569/apache2   
tcp6       0      0 :::8140                 :::*                    LISTEN      4569/apache2   
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      4569/apache2   

#I install puppetmaster as apache passenger mode. So, starting apache2 server is a must.
root@puppetmaster:~# service apache2 stop
 * Stopping web server apache2                                                                                                                                *

###Creating puppet master certificate and MASTER CA certificate###

vagrant@puppetmaster:~$ sudo puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize
Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/env-settings-deprecations
   (at /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1139:in `issue_deprecation_warning')
Notice: Starting Puppet master version 3.8.1

^CNotice: Caught INT; storing stop
Notice: Processing stop

###Network check from puppetclient1 ####
root@puppetclient1:~# telnet puppet 8140
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

vagrant@puppetmaster:~$ netstat -tpln
(No info could be read for "-p": geteuid()=1000 but you should be root.)
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      -              
tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      -              
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      -              
tcp6       0      0 :::8140                 :::*                    LISTEN      -              
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      -       

vagrant@puppetclient1:~$ cat /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

# These are needed when the puppetmaster is run by passenger
# and can safely be removed if webrick is used.
ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY

### puppet client setting ###

vagrant@puppetclient1:~$ sudo vi /etc/hosts       localhost puppetclient1 puppetclient1 puppetmaster puppet puppetclient1

### puppet version check ###
vagrant@puppetclient1:~$ puppet --version

# puppetclient1 node new key generating
root@puppetclient1:~# puppet agent --test
Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/env-settings-deprecations
   (at /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1139:in `issue_deprecation_warning')
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Info: csr_attributes file loading from /etc/puppet/csr_attributes.yaml
Info: Creating a new SSL certificate request for puppetclient1.bla
Info: Certificate Request fingerprint (SHA256): C4:A0:CE:12:D4:4F:42:3C:44:DA:4A:0A:6C:82:DC:3A:2E:B1:7F:1D:CC:61:3B:6B:10:15:77:33:EE:3B:21:8F
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled

#Info: Creating a new SSL certificate request for puppetclient1.bla domain name is not the intended domanin name.
#I had to remove bla from /etc/resolv.conf.

#To restart puppet agent --test, remove or backup /var/lib/puppet/ssl.
root@puppetclient1:~# rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl/
root@puppetclient1:~# puppet agent --test
Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/env-settings-deprecations
   (at /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1139:in `issue_deprecation_warning')
Info: Creating a new SSL key for puppetclient1.tbroad
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Info: Caching certificate_request for puppetclient1.tbroad
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled
root@puppetclient1:~# vi /etc/hosts
root@puppetclient1:~# ls /var/lib/puppet/ssl/
certificate_requests  certs  private  private_keys  public_keys

#It is ok...
#From master(puppetmaster) node

root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --list
Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See http://links.puppetlabs.com/env-settings-deprecations
   (at /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1139:in `issue_deprecation_warning')
  "puppetclient1" (SHA256) C4:A0:CE:12:D4:4F:42:3C:44:DA:4A:0A:6C:82:DC:3A:2E:B1:7F:1D:CC:61:3B:6B:10:15:77:33:EE:3B:21:8F

#Let's suppress warning


# These are needed when the puppetmaster is run by passenger
# and can safely be removed if webrick is used.
ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
dns_alt_names = puppet,puppetclient1,puppetclient2

#Cleaning ssl request from master.
root@puppetmaster:~# rm -rf /var/lib/puppet/ssl/
root@puppetmaster:~# puppet cert --list
Notice: Signed certificate request for ca

#Puppet master is using passenger in apache virtual hosts file.
#When there is error message, we must check like belows if certificate file name right or not.

 root@puppetmaster:/etc/init.d# vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/puppetmaster.conf
root@puppetmaster:/etc/init.d# service apache2 restart
 * Restarting web server apache2                                                                                                                      [fail]
 * The apache2 configtest failed.
Output of config test was:
AH00526: Syntax error on line 23 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/puppetmaster.conf:
SSLCertificateFile: file '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppetmaster' does not exist or is empty
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.

root@puppetmaster:/etc/init.d# service apache2 restart
 * Restarting web server apache2                                                                                                                      [ OK ]
root@puppetmaster:/etc/init.d# suppressing  * Restarting web server apache2                                                                                                                             AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
> ^C

# This Apache 2 virtual host config shows how to use Puppet as a Rack
# application via Passenger. See
# http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/passenger.html for more information.

# You can also use the included config.ru file to run Puppet with other Rack
# servers instead of Passenger.

# you probably want to tune these settings
PassengerHighPerformance on
PassengerMaxPoolSize 12
PassengerPoolIdleTime 1500
# PassengerMaxRequests 1000
PassengerStatThrottleRate 120
ServerName puppetmaster

#Now there is no certificate request from nodes(clients?)
root@puppetmaster:/etc/init.d# puppet cert --list

#Again, generting agent certificate request
root@puppetclient1:~# puppet agent --test
Info: Creating a new SSL key for puppetclient1
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Info: Caching certificate_request for puppetclient1
Info: Caching certificate for ca
Exiting; no certificate found and waitforcert is disabled

root@puppetmaster:/etc/init.d# puppet cert --list
  "puppetclient1" (SHA256) 12:3C:60:26:53:B0:7A:76:48:F8:97:31:28:36:3A:64:36:72:E7:B7:3E:6B:ED:65:0F:56:15:15:FE:3D:A8:AD

#Sign up nodes(puppetclient1) request.

root@puppetmaster:/etc/init.d# puppet cert sign puppetclient1
Notice: Signed certificate request for puppetclient1
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest puppetclient1 at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/puppetclient1.pem'

#No error..relax.

***When regenerating puppetmaster certificate***
#There shall be a situation when we need to reset whole puppet configuration.#
#Need to be prepared.

#ssl is exist in default location: /var/lib/puppet/ssl.
root@puppetmaster:/etc/apache2# ls /var/lib/puppet/ssl/
ca  certificate_requests  certs  crl.pem  private  private_keys  public_keys

#If remove or rename apache2 passenger startup will be failed.
root@puppetmaster:/etc/apache2# mv /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ /var/lib/puppet/ssl.bak/
root@puppetmaster:/etc/apache2# service apache2 restart
 * Restarting web server apache2                                                                                                                      [fail]
 * The apache2 configtest failed.
Output of config test was:
AH00526: Syntax error on line 23 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/puppetmaster.conf:
SSLCertificateFile: file '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/puppetmaster.pem' does not exist or is empty
Action 'configtest' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.

#It is time to generate puppetmaster certificate file.
root@puppetmaster:/etc/apache2# puppet cert generate puppetmaster
Notice: Signed certificate request for ca
Notice: puppetmaster has a waiting certificate request
Notice: Signed certificate request for puppetmaster
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest puppetmaster at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/puppetmaster.pem'
Notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest puppetmaster at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests/puppetmaster.pem'
root@puppetmaster:/etc/apache2# service apache2 restart
 * Restarting web server apache2                                                                                                                      [ OK ]

###We must regnerate each nodes request keys?###
###Now I have only one node(puppetclient), but what if there are hundreds of servers?###
###http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/4.1/reference/ssl_regenerate_certificates.html is saying we should do it^^;###

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Vim special character input(₩,¥,€ )

When we want to input currency characters, such as dollor=$.
There is no symbol such as Korean unit ₩.

1. Input(i)
2. <ctrl>+k , then ? mark will be on screen.
3. When we want to input Korean currency Won(₩).
4. Type upper case W and =, then ₩ will be on.
5 In case of Japanese currency unit symbol, type upper case Y and -, then ¥ will be on screen. Chinese symbol is same but pronunced differently(Yen-Japanese, Yuan-Chinese)
6.Euro sign would be <ctrl>+k+=+e  €

 :digraph command will show a lot.

Below link will help more.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Simple ruby install shell script

We know there is rvm that is very good.
Just personal script.

#!/usr/bin/env sh


 if [[ ! -d "$RUBY_DIR" ]]
    mkdir $RUBY_DIR

 wget $RUBY_URL
 VERSION=$(echo $RUBY_URL | awk -F '/' '{print $7}' | awk -F '.tar.gz' '{print $1}')
 tar xvzf "$VERSION.tar.gz"
 ./configure --prefix=$RUBY_EACH_HOME
 make install
 #removing sourcedir
 rm -rf $VERSION
 sleep 1
 touch $HOME/.bashrc
 echo "export PATH=$RUBY_EACH_HOME/bin:$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc
 cd $HOME; . .bashrc



if [[ $1 == "2.0.0-p598" ]]
elif [[ $1 == "2.1.5" ]]
elif [[ $1 == "2.2.0" ]]
 echo "Usage: chmod a+x $0; and ./$0 ruby version(2.0.0-p598,2.1.0,2.2.0)"
 exit 1

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

DRBD+MySQL+corosync+pacemaker on ubuntu14.04 practice.

When we cannot setup mysql cluster, but we need data consistency important, then "Mysql with drbd" is another option.

While mysql replication does not guarantee consistency, drbd with mysql can provide better(almost perfect with exception such as network error or power failure) one. Split brain could occur in such case.

1. Setup labs.(using virtualbox and vagrant)
whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~ $ mkdir md
whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~ $ cd md
whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/md $ vi Vagrantfile

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
  config.vm.define "host1" do |host1|
   host1.vm.box = "host1"
   host1.vm.box_url = "file:///home/whatsup/vg/ubuntu14.box"
   host1.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo now time to executing shell"
   host1.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo timezone config; echo 'Asia/Seoul' > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata"
   host1.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"
   host1.vm.network "private_network",ip:""
   host1.vm.host_name = "host1"
      host1.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
       for i in (0..(disk_count-1))
        unless File.exist?(disk[i])
         vb.customize ["createhd",'--filename',disk[i],'--size',10240]
         vb.customize ['storageattach', :id,'--storagectl','SATA', '--port',i+1,'--device',0,'--type','hdd','--medium',disk[i]]
         vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,"--memory","1024"]
         vb.cpus = 1

  config.vm.define "host2" do |host2|
   host2.vm.box = "host2"
   host2.vm.box_url = "file:///home/whatsup/vg/ubuntu14.box"
   host2.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo now time to executing shell"
   host2.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo timezone config; echo 'Asia/Seoul' > /etc/timezone && dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata"
   host2.vm.provision "shell", inline: "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"
   host2.vm.network "private_network",ip:""
   host2.vm.host_name = "host2"
      host2.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
       for i in (0..(disk_count-1))
        unless File.exist?(disk[i])
         vb.customize ["createhd",'--filename',disk[i],'--size',10240]
         vb.customize ['storageattach', :id,'--storagectl','SATA', '--port',i+1,'--device',0,'--type','hdd','--medium',disk[i]]
         vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id,"--memory","1024"]
         vb.cpus = 1

whatsup@#vagrant up host1 host2

whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/md $ vagrant status
Current machine states:

host1                     running (virtualbox)
host2                     running (virtualbox)

#Lvm setup
root@host1:~# fdisk /dev/sdb
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x47c0a9fa.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)

Command (m for help): n
Partition type:
   p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
   e   extended
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1):
Using default value 1
First sector (2048-20971519, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-20971519, default 20971519):
Using default value 20971519

Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

root@host1:~# fdisk /dev/sdc
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x5d72ef97.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)

Command (m for help): n
Partition type:
   p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
   e   extended
Select (default p):
Using default response p
Partition number (1-4, default 1):
Using default value 1
First sector (2048-20971519, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-20971519, default 20971519):
Using default value 20971519

Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

root@host1:~# fdisk /dev/sdd
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xb2701e38.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 4 will be corrected by w(rite)

Command (m for help): n
Partition type:
   p   primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
   e   extended
Select (default p):
Using default response p
Partition number (1-4, default 1):
Using default value 1
First sector (2048-20971519, default 2048):
Using default value 2048
Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-20971519, default 20971519):
Using default value 20971519

Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.

root@host1:~# pvcreate /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
  Physical volume "/dev/sdb1" successfully created
  Physical volume "/dev/sdc1" successfully created
  Physical volume "/dev/sdd1" successfully created

root@host1:~# vgcreate host1_vg /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1
  Volume group "host1_vg" successfully created
root@host1:~# vgdisplay
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name               host1_vg
  System ID            
  Format                lvm2
  Metadata Areas        3
  Metadata Sequence No  1
  VG Access             read/write
  VG Status             resizable
  MAX LV                0
  Cur LV                0
  Open LV               0
  Max PV                0
  Cur PV                3
  Act PV                3
  VG Size               29.99 GiB
  PE Size               4.00 MiB
  Total PE              7677
  Alloc PE / Size       0 / 0  
  Free  PE / Size       7677 / 29.99 GiB
  VG UUID               inTGbG-UBXA-vXZa-e2of-xohq-pUu2-wG0Epk

root@host1:~# lvcreate --name mysql-drbd --size 20G host1_vg
  Logical volume "mysql-drbd" created
On host2 , also create mysql-drbd lvm.
root@host1:~# lvs
  LV         VG        Attr      LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  mysql-drbd host1_vg  -wi-a----  20.00g 

root@host2:~# lvs
  LV         VG        Attr      LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Move Log Copy%  Convert
  mysql-drbd host2_vg  -wi-a----  20.00g   

#Name resolving via /etc/hosts
root@host1:~# vi /etc/hosts
root@host1:~# cat /etc/hosts    localhost host1 host1 host1 host2

root@host2:~# vi /etc/hosts    localhost host1 host1 host1 host2

#drbd install
On ubuntu,

root@host1:~# sudo apt-get install drbd8-utils
root@host2:~# sudo apt-get install drbd8-utils
root@host1:~# vi /etc/drbd.conf

resource mysqldrbd {
        protocol C;

        handlers {
           pri-on-incon-degr "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-pri-on-incon-degr.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-reboot.sh; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger; reboot -f";
           pri-lost-after-sb "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-pri-lost-after-sb.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-reboot.sh; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger; reboot -f";
           local-io-error "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-io-error.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-shutdown.sh; echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger; halt -f";
           fence-peer "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.sh";

        startup {
           degr-wfc-timeout 120; # 2 minutes.
           outdated-wfc-timeout 2; #2 seconds

        disk {
           on-io-error detach;

        net {
           cram-hmac-alg "sha1";
           shared-secret "mysqldrbd";
           after-sb-0pri disconnect;
           after-sb-1pri disconnect;
           after-sb-2pri disconnect;
           rr-conflict disconnect;

        syncer {
           rate 10M;
           al-extents 257;
           on-no-data-accessible io-error;

        on host1{
           device      /dev/drbd0;
           disk        /dev/host1_vg/mysql-drbd;
           meta-disk   internal;

        on host2{
           device      /dev/drbd0;
           disk        /dev/host2_vg/mysql-drbd;
           meta-disk   internal;

Copy to host2 /etc/drbd.conf

root@host2:~# vi /etc/drbd.conf

resource mysqldrbd {
        protocol C;

        handlers {
           pri-on-incon-degr "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-pri-on-incon-degr.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-reboot.sh; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger; reboot -f";
           pri-lost-after-sb "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-pri-lost-after-sb.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-reboot.sh; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger; reboot -f";
           local-io-error "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-io-error.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-shutdown.sh; echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger; halt -f";
           fence-peer "/usr/lib/drbd/crm-fence-peer.sh";

        startup {
           degr-wfc-timeout 120; # 2 minutes.
           outdated-wfc-timeout 2; #2 seconds

        disk {
           on-io-error detach;

        net {
           cram-hmac-alg "sha1";
           shared-secret "mysqldrbd";
           after-sb-0pri disconnect;
           after-sb-1pri disconnect;
           after-sb-2pri disconnect;
           rr-conflict disconnect;

        syncer {
           rate 10M;
           al-extents 257;
           on-no-data-accessible io-error;

        on host1{
           device      /dev/drbd0;
           disk        /dev/host1_vg/mysql-drbd;
           meta-disk   internal;

        on host2{
           device      /dev/drbd0;
           disk        /dev/host2_vg/mysql-drbd;
           meta-disk   internal;

 #Creating drbd device on each host
root@host1:~# drbdadm create-md mysqldrbd

 root@host1:~# drbdadm create-md mysqldrbd
Writing meta data...
initializing activity log
NOT initializing bitmap
New drbd meta data block successfully created.

        --== Creating metadata ==--
As with nodes, we count the total number of devices mirrored by DRBD
at http://usage.drbd.org.

The counter works anonymously. It creates a random number to identify
the device and sends that random number, along with the kernel and
DRBD version, to usage.drbd.org.


* If you wish to opt out entirely, simply enter 'no'.
* To continue, just press [RETURN]


 root@host2:~# drbdadm create-md mysqldrbd
Writing meta data...
initializing activity log
NOT initializing bitmap
New drbd meta data block successfully created.

        --== Creating metadata ==--
As with nodes, we count the total number of devices mirrored by DRBD
at http://usage.drbd.org.

The counter works anonymously. It creates a random number to identify
the device and sends that random number, along with the kernel and
DRBD version, to usage.drbd.org.


* If you wish to opt out entirely, simply enter 'no'.
* To continue, just press [RETURN]


root@host1:~# service drbd start
Just press [RETURN] to continue:
     create res: mysqldrbd
   prepare disk: mysqldrbd
    adjust disk: mysqldrbd
     adjust net: mysqldrbd
......                                                                   [ OK
root@host2:~# service drbd start

Just press [RETURN] to continue:
     create res: mysqldrbd
   prepare disk: mysqldrbd
    adjust disk: mysqldrbd
     adjust net: mysqldrbd
......                                                                   [ OK

root@host1:~# drbdadm -- --overwrite-data-of-peer primary all
root@host1:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs          ro                 ds                     p        mounted  fstype
...          sync'ed:    5.4%               (19384/20476)Mfinish:  0:03:14  101,932  (101,932)  K/sec
0:mysqldrbd  SyncSource  Primary/Secondary  UpToDate/Inconsistent  C

root@host2:~# drbdadm secondary mysqldrbd
root@host2:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs          ro                 ds                     p        mounted  fstype
...          sync'ed:    15.5%              (17324/20476)Mfinish:  0:02:51  103,320  (100,960)  want:  102,400  K/sec
0:mysqldrbd  SyncTarget  Secondary/Primary  Inconsistent/UpToDate  C

root@host1:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs          ro                 ds                     p        mounted  fstype
...          sync'ed:    99.9%              (32/20476)Mfinish:     0:00:00  102,828  (102,124)  K/sec
0:mysqldrbd  SyncSource  Primary/Secondary  UpToDate/Inconsistent  C
root@host1:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs         ro                 ds                 p  mounted  fstype
0:mysqldrbd  Connected  Primary/Secondary  UpToDate/UpToDate  C

root@host2:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs         ro                 ds                 p  mounted  fstype
0:mysqldrbd  Connected  Secondary/Primary  UpToDate/UpToDate  C

#100% synced.

#Let's do some test.
root@host1:~# mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd0
root@host1:~# mkdir /mnt/mysql
root@host1:~# mount /dev/drbd0 /mnt/mysql/
root@host1:~# vi /mnt/mysql/test
I'm from host1

root@host1:~# umount /mnt/mysql
root@host1:~# drbdadm secondary mysqldrbd

#On host 2
root@host2:~# drbdadm primary mysqldrbd
root@host2:~# mkdir /mnt/mysql
root@host2:~# mount /dev/drbd0 /mnt/mysql/
root@host2:~# cat /mnt/mysql/test
I'm from host1

#Well, usually drbd works as active and standby and we can connect to directly only active server. And standby only synchonize on block-level(not file level such as gluster-www.gluster.org)
#We can change active and standby each other.

root@host2:~# umount /mnt/mysql
root@host2:~# drbdadm secondary mysqldrbd

root@host1:~# drbdadm primary mysqldrbd

root@host1:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs         ro                 ds                 p  mounted  fstype
0:mysqldrbd  Connected  Primary/Secondary  UpToDate/UpToDate  C

#corosync and pacemaker setup
#VIP(virtual ip) is

root@host1:~# apt-get install corosync pacemaker

root@host2:~# apt-get install corosync pacemaker

root@host1:~# corosync-keygen
Corosync Cluster Engine Authentication key generator.
Gathering 1024 bits for key from /dev/random.
Press keys on your keyboard to generate entropy.
Press keys on your keyboard to generate entropy (bits = 880).
Press keys on your keyboard to generate entropy (bits = 928).
Writing corosync key to /etc/corosync/authkey.

#Because I use ssh (vagrant ssh host1), I had to use another terminal  to ssh host1 and then, using wget command download anything such kernel-file..or web files. ex) wget http://kernel.org/recent-kernel.tar.gz. Thie will give entropy to generate authkey of corosync. Copy authkey to host2 /etc/corosync/

#Here is simple tip for ssh newbie to copy auth key to host2. Though, usually do not generate root ssh key(this is a simple local virtual lab environment)

copy the key with mouse,

root@host2:~# mkdir ~/.ssh; chmod 700 ~/.ssh; vi ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

root@host2:~# chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

#Ok now do scp
root@host1:~# scp /etc/corosync/authkey root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 05:b6:b4:d5:f5:b5:42:1c:c3:84:1f:1f:81:d9:53:5f.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
authkey                                           100%  128     0.1KB/s   00:00   

root@host1:~#vi /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
totem {
    version: 2

    token: 3000

    token_retransmits_before_loss_const: 10

    join: 60

    consensus: 3600

    vsftype: none

    max_messages: 20

    clear_node_high_bit: yes

     secauth: on
     threads: 0

     rrp_mode: none

     interface {
        # The following values need to be set based on your environment
        ringnumber: 0
        mcastport: 5405

amf {
    mode: disabled

quorum {
    provider: corosync_votequorum
    expected_votes: 1

aisexec {
        user:   root
        group:  root

logging {
        fileline: off
        to_stderr: yes
        to_logfile: no
        to_syslog: yes
    syslog_facility: daemon
        debug: off
        timestamp: on
        logger_subsys {
                subsys: AMF
                debug: off
                tags: enter|leave|trace1|trace2|trace3|trace4|trace6

#scp corosync.conf to host2(
root@host1:~# scp /etc/corosync/corosync.conf root@
corosync.conf                                     100%  855     0.8KB/s   00:00   

root@host1:/etc/corosync# cat /etc/default/corosync
# start corosync at boot [yes|no]
root@host11:/etc/corosync# sed -i 's/no/yes/g' /etc/default/corosync
root@host1:/etc/corosync# cat /etc/default/corosync
# start corosync at boot [yes|yes]

root@host2:~/.ssh# sed -i 's/no/yes/g' /etc/default/corosync
root@host2:~/.ssh# cat /etc/default/corosync
# start corosync at boot [yes|yes]

root@host1:~# vi /etc/corosync/service.d/pcmk
service {
# Load the Pacemaker Cluster Resource Manager
name: pacemaker
ver: 1

root@host1:~# scp /etc/corosync/service.d/pcmk root@
pcmk                                          100%   81     0.1KB/s   00:00   

#Restart corosync pacemaker and crm_mon validation.
 #corosync first(the order is important to work smoothly)
root@host2:/etc/corosync# service corosync restart; service pacemaker restart;
root@host1:~# service corosync restart; service pacemaker restart

root@host1:~# crm status
Last updated: Wed May  6 07:15:21 2015
Last change: Wed May  6 07:06:33 2015 via crmd on host1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: host1 (167772185) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.10-42f2063
2 Nodes configured
0 Resources configured

Online: [ host1 host2 ]

root@host2:/etc/corosync# crm status
Last updated: Wed May  6 07:19:55 2015
Last change: Wed May  6 07:06:33 2015 via crmd on host1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: host1 (167772185) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.10-42f2063
2 Nodes configured
0 Resources configured

Online: [ host1 host2 ]

#Well it is very ok..until now

#MySQL installation.
#On centos like,disable selinux,on debian like ubuntu, disable apparmor on mysql service.

On each host:
root@host1:~# apt-get install mysql-server-5.6
root@host1:# apt-get install apparmor-utils
root@host1:/mnt/mysql# aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld
Disabling /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld.

root@host2:~# apt-get install mysql-server-5.6
root@host1:# apt-get install apparmor-utils
root@host2:~# aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld
Disabling /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld.

#host1(drbd active)
#Cause mysql_install_db looks for my-default.cnf on ubuntu14.04. Not a big hitch.
root@host1:~# cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf /usr/share/mysql/my-default.cnf
root@host1:~# chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/mysql/

root@host2:~# chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/mysql/

#host1(drbd active)
 root@host1:/mnt/mysql# mount /dev/drbd0 /mnt/mysql/
root@host1:~# mkdir /mnt/mysql/data
root@host1:~# chown -R mysql:mysql /mnt/mysql/data/
root@host1:~# chmod 700 /mnt/mysql/data

 root@host1:/mnt/mysql# mysql_install_db -no-defaults --datadir=/mnt/mysql/data --user=mysql

Tip)There should be no error, if it is, check apparmor. again.

It is time to configure crm. Before that, drbd and mysql will be run by pacemaker.
root@host1:~# service drbd stop
 * Stopping all DRBD resources
root@host2:~# service drbd stop
 * Stopping all DRBD resources   

root@host2:~# service mysql stop
root@host1:~# service mysql stop

I made line-based simple command line to file to be useful later.

 root@host1:~# vi crc.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
crm configure rsc_defaults resource-stickiness=100
crm configure property stonith-enabled=false
crm configure primitive p_drbd_mysqldrbd ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource="mysqldrbd" op monitor interval="15s"
crm configure ms ms_drbd_mysqldrbd p_drbd_mysqldrbd meta master-max="1" master-node-max="1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
crm configure primitive p_fs_mysqldrbd ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/mnt/mysql" fstype="ext4"
crm configure primitive p_ip_mysqldrbd ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" cidr_netmask="24" nic="eth1"
crm configure primitive p_mysqldrbd ocf:heartbeat:mysql params binary="/usr/sbin/mysqld" config="/etc/mysql/my.cnf"  datadir="/mnt/mysql/data" pid="/var/mysql/mysqld/mysql.pid" socket="/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock" user="mysql" group="mysql" additional_parameters="--bind-address= --user=mysql" op start timeout=120s op stop timeout=120s op monitor interval=20s timeout=30s
crm configure group g_mysqldrbd p_fs_mysqldrbd p_ip_mysqldrbd p_mysqldrbd
crm configure colocation c_mysql_on_drbd inf: g_mysqldrbd ms_drbd_mysqldrbd:Master
crm configure order o_drbd_before_mysql inf: ms_drbd_mysqldrbd:promote g_mysqldrbd:start

root@host1:~# bash crc.sh
WARNING: p_drbd_mysqldrbd: default timeout 20s for start is smaller than the advised 240
WARNING: p_drbd_mysqldrbd: default timeout 20s for stop is smaller than the advised 100
WARNING: p_drbd_mysqldrbd: action monitor not advertised in meta-data, it may not be supported by the RA
WARNING: p_fs_mysqldrbd: default timeout 20s for start is smaller than the advised 60
WARNING: p_fs_mysqldrbd: default timeout 20s for stop is smaller than the advised 60

 #virtual ip check.
root@host1:~# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.026 ms

root@host1:~# crm status
Last updated: Wed May  6 08:37:03 2015
Last change: Wed May  6 08:33:52 2015 via cibadmin on host1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: host1 (167772185) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.10-42f2063
2 Nodes configured
5 Resources configured

Online: [ host1 host2 ]

 Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_mysqldrbd [p_drbd_mysqldrbd]
     Masters: [ host1 ]
     Slaves: [ host2 ]
 Resource Group: g_mysqldrbd
     p_fs_mysqldrbd    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started host1
     p_ip_mysqldrbd    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started host1
     p_mysqldrbd    (ocf::heartbeat:mysql):    Started host1

root@host1:~# vi crc2.sh

crm configure primitive p_ping ocf:pacemaker:ping params name="ping" multiplier="1000" host_list="" op monitor interval="15s" timeout="60s" start timeout="60s"
crm configure clone cl_ping p_ping meta interleave="true"
crm configure location l_drbd_master_on_ping ms_drbd_mysqldrbd rule role="Master" -inf: not_defined ping or ping number:lte 0

root@host1:~# bash crc2.sh
WARNING: p_ping: default timeout 20s for start is smaller than the advised 60

root@host1:~# crm status
Last updated: Wed May  6 09:17:28 2015
Last change: Wed May  6 09:01:21 2015 via cibadmin on host1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: host2 (167772186) - partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.10-42f2063
2 Nodes configured
7 Resources configured

#Restart corosync and pacemaker.

#root#crm status

Online: [ host1 host2 ]

 Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_mysqldrbd [p_drbd_mysqldrbd]
     Masters: [ host2 ]
     Slaves: [ host1 ]
 Resource Group: g_mysqldrbd
     p_fs_mysqldrbd    (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started host2
     p_ip_mysqldrbd    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started host2
     p_mysqldrbd    (ocf::heartbeat:mysql):    Started host2
 Clone Set: cl_ping [p_ping]
     Started: [ host1 host2 ]

#Now disable mysql and drbd for system boot.
root@host1:~# vi /etc/init/mysql.conf
description     "MySQL 5.6 Server"
author          "Mario Limonciello <superm1@ubuntu.com>"

start on runlevel [345]
stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[0216]
#ubuntu mysql boot is done by /etc/init/mysql.conf,not by init script in /etc/init.d/mysql
#runlevel 2 is usually being used on debian like distro,ubuntu

#Disable drbd system boot
root@host1:~# update-rc.d -f drbd disable

update-rc.d: warning:  start runlevel arguments (none) do not match drbd Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)
update-rc.d: warning:  stop runlevel arguments (none) do not match drbd Default-Stop values (0 1 6)
 Disabling system startup links for /etc/init.d/drbd ...
 Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/drbd ...
 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/drbd ...
   /etc/rc0.d/K20drbd -> ../init.d/drbd
   /etc/rc1.d/K20drbd -> ../init.d/drbd
   /etc/rc6.d/K20drbd -> ../init.d/drbd
   /etc/rc2.d/K80drbd -> ../init.d/drbd
   /etc/rc3.d/K80drbd -> ../init.d/drbd
   /etc/rc4.d/K80drbd -> ../init.d/drbd
   /etc/rc5.d/K80drbd -> ../init.d/drbd

Do above on host2 too.

#Mysql root password and allow from
From terminal

root@host1:~# mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --datadir=/mnt/mysql/data&
mysql> use mysql;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
mysql> insert into user(user,host,password)values('root','','test');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 3 warnings (0.01 sec)
mysql> update user set password=password('yourpass') where user='root' and host='';
mysql> select host,user,password from user;
| host      | user | password                                  |
| localhost | root | *232BEE719F1B45FF4193133EE37DDA54dddddED4A2F47 |
| host1     | root | *232BEE719F1B45FF4193133EE37DDA5DDDAAA4ED4A2F47 |
| | root | *232BEE719F1B45FF4193133EE37DD9999**A54ED4A2F47 |
| ::1       | root | *232BEE719F1B45FF4193133EE37D******DA54ED4A2F47 |
| localhost |      |                                           |
| host1     |      |                                           |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> delete from user where user=' ';
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select host,user,password from user;
| host      | user | password                                  |
| localhost | root | *232B44444EE719F1B4555FF4193133EE37DDA54ED4A2F47 |
| host1     | root | *232BEE4444719F1B45FF4193133EE37DDA54ED4A2F47 |
| | root | *232BE4444E719F1B445545FF4193133EE37DDA54ED4A2F47 |
| ::1       | root | *232BEE71444449F1B44445FF4193133EE37DDA54ED4A2F47 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

#When split brains occurs.
#^^; I accidently create split-brain because I configured mysql root password later. Now most recently update mysql data is in host2. Drbd status is like belows.

Drbd mount is done on host2. I updated password when host2 mount mysql drbd block device like belows.
root@host2:~# df /mnt/mysql/
Filesystem     1K-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/drbd0      20510680 157832  19287924   1% /mnt/mysql

#See below's Secondary/Unknown.
root@host1:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs          ro                 ds                 p       mounted  fstype
0:mysqldrbd  StandAlone  Secondary/Unknown  UpToDate/DUnknown  r-----

root@host2:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs          ro               ds                 p       mounted  fstype
0:mysqldrbd  StandAlone  Primary/Unknown  UpToDate/DUnknown  r-----  ext4

#So, now host2 /dev/drbd0 has recently update data.
#discard host1 data like belows.
root@host1:~# drbdadm secondary mysqldrbd
root@host1:~# drbdadm -- --discard-my-data connect mysqldrbd

#connect mysqldrbd drbd service on host2.
root@host2:~# drbdadm connect mysqldrbd

#Confirm if drbd state updated or not.
root@host2:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs         ro                 ds                 p  mounted     fstype
0:mysqldrbd  Connected  Primary/Secondary  UpToDate/UpToDate  C  /mnt/mysql  ext4
root@host1:~# service drbd status
drbd driver loaded OK; device status:
version: 8.4.3 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: F97798065516C94BE0F27DC
m:res        cs         ro                 ds                 p  mounted  fstype
0:mysqldrbd  Connected  Secondary/Primary  UpToDate/UpToDate  C

#Connecting mysql using virtual ip. Now only from , we can connect to database.
#Cannot connect.
root@host1:~# mysql -u root -h
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'host1' (using password: NO)

#It is possible only from using password.
root@host1:~# mysql -u root -h -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 5
Server version: 5.6.19-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

root@host2:~# mysql -h -u root -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1130 (HY000): Host 'host2' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

#Just in case, let's allow one more ip that can connect to database.
mysql> insert into user(host,user,password)values('','root',password('ddpass'));
Query OK, 1 row affected, 3 warnings (0.00 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

#Well, it is all done.          

#Thanks for reading. This simple? article might help . ^^;