#Calulation of Maximum process number(Apache mpm_event)
1. Memory size per process.
Let's suppose we are running LAMP 1024Megabytes server.
I want to allocate 300 Megabytes on apache2.4.(cause of mysql server).
We have to inspect size of memory per apache process.
According to proc man page, "VmPeak: Peak virtual memory size" and below address,
"VmPeak: Peak virtual memory size" means, "Note that the VmHWM parameter is interesting inasmuch as it signifies the amount of physical memory required for the process at peak times.".
So, I want to calculate avg memory size per apache process with ruby and bash.
vagrant@apm1:~$ cat ac_memory_avg.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#apache processes pid to /tmp/temp.txt
ps -ef | grep apache | grep "www-data" | awk -F " " '{print $2}' > /tmp/temp.txt
#Total process count
n=$(cat /tmp/temp.txt | wc -l)
rm -f /tmp/avg_cal.txt
for i in $(cat /tmp/temp.txt)
cat /proc/$i/status | grep "VmHWM" | awk '{print $2}' >> /tmp/avg_cal.txt
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
File.readlines("/tmp/avg_cal.txt").collect { |line| sum += line.to_i;}
puts "Average memory size of apache process is #{sum/size}"
#Available memory 300MB,(300*1024)/(sum/size)#
puts "Maximum process number would be #{(300*1024)/(sum/size)} on 300MB Linux apache server"
vagrant@apm1:~$ cat as
#!/usr/bin/env bash
vagrant@apm1:~$ chmod 700 as ac_memory_avg.*
vagrant@apm1:~$ ./as
Average memory size of apache process is 7002
Maxmum process number would be 43 on 300MB left Linux apache server
#Obtaining apache thread count.
root@apm1:/etc/apache2/mods-enabled# ps -eLf | grep apache | grep www-data | wc -l
Thursday, April 30, 2015
php5-fpm consums lots of cpu resources relatively less memory.
#Funkload Test(google.com search funkload. It is free opensource load test tool. Not 99% perfect, but it is very good for testing web-based graphic result conveniently).
#My script as follows. It is for wordpress login.php(wp-login.php)
#To test, I had to mv xmlrpc.php to another directory, not harmful for testing.
#And backing up to where it is,not a problem. Also, I had edit cookie.py to disable error message. Also not affecting on load-test.
#This result is based on virtualbox vm.(cpu 2,memory:1024)
whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/funkload-demo/wp $ cat test_WpLogin.py
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
"""wp_login FunkLoad test
$Id: $
import unittest
from funkload.FunkLoadTestCase import FunkLoadTestCase
from webunit.utility import Upload
from funkload.utils import Data
#from funkload.utils import xmlrpc_get_credential
class WpLogin(FunkLoadTestCase):
This test use a configuration file WpLogin.conf.
def setUp(self):
"""Setting up test."""
self.server_url = self.conf_get('main', 'url')
# XXX here you can setup the credential access like this
# credential_host = self.conf_get('credential', 'host')
# credential_port = self.conf_getInt('credential', 'port')
# self.login, self.password = xmlrpc_get_credential(credential_host,
# credential_port,
# XXX replace with a valid group
# 'members')
def test_wp_login(self):
# The description should be set in the configuration file
server_url = self.server_url
# begin of test ---------------------------------------------
# /tmp/tmp97AwZf_funkload/watch0001.request
self.get(server_url + "/wordpress/wp-login.php/",
description="Get /wordpress/wp-login.php/")
# /tmp/tmp97AwZf_funkload/watch0005.request
self.post(server_url + "/wordpress/wp-login.php", params=[
['log', 'OYJ'],
['pwd', 'password'],
['wp-submit', 'Log In'],
['redirect_to', ''],
['testcookie', '1']],
description="Post /wordpress/wp-login.php")
# /tmp/tmp97AwZf_funkload/watch0011.request
#description="Get /avatar/5ceb3152443edc6580e552b390a30d83")
# /tmp/tmp97AwZf_funkload/watch0012.request
#description="Get /avatar/5ceb3152443edc6580e552b390a30d83")
# end of test -----------------------------------------------
def tearDown(self):
"""Setting up test."""
if __name__ in ('main', '__main__'):
#Not test start, I will show top result of php-fpm.
#It connect concurrent user 30,50,70 each for 30seconds
whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/funkload-demo/wp $ fl-run-bench -c 30:50:70 -D 30 test_WpLogin.py WpLogin.test_wp_login
Benching WpLogin.test_wp_login
Wordpress Apm Test on Linux Ubuntu 14.04
* Current time: 2015-05-01T05:56:31.488849
* Configuration file: /home/whatsup/funkload-demo/wp/WpLogin.conf
* Log xml: /home/whatsup/funkload-demo/wp/wp_login-bench.xml
* Server:
* Cycles: [100, 200, 250, 300]
* Cycle duration: 300s
* Sleeptime between request: from 0.0s to 2.0s
* Sleeptime between test case: 1.0s
* Startup delay between thread: 0.2s
* setUpBench hook: ... done.
Cycle #0 with 100 virtual users
* setUpCycle hook: ... done.
* Current time: 2015-05-01T05:56:31.492174
Benching WpLogin.test_wp_login
Wordpress Apm Test on Linux Ubuntu 14.04
* Current time: 2015-05-01T06:47:53.805307
* Configuration file: /home/whatsup/funkload-demo/wp/WpLogin.conf
* Log xml: /home/whatsup/funkload-demo/wp/wp_login-bench.xml
* Server:
* Cycles: [30, 50, 70]
* Cycle duration: 30s
* Sleeptime between request: from 0.0s to 2.0s
* Sleeptime between test case: 1.0s
* Startup delay between thread: 0.2s
* setUpBench hook: ... done.
Cycle #0 with 30 virtual users
* setUpCycle hook: ... done.
* Current time: 2015-05-01T06:47:53.808304
* Starting threads: .............................. done.
* Logging for 30s (until 2015-05-01T06:48:29.859197): ......................................................................................................................... done.
* Waiting end of threads: .............................. done.
* Waiting cycle sleeptime 1s: ... done.
* tearDownCycle hook: ... done.
* End of cycle, 44.09s elapsed.
* Cycle result: **SUCCESSFUL**, 121 success, 0 failure, 0 errors.
Cycle #1 with 50 virtual users
* setUpCycle hook: ... done.
* Current time: 2015-05-01T06:48:37.903268
* Starting threads: .................................................. done.
* Logging for 30s (until 2015-05-01T06:49:17.990075): ............................................................................................................................ done.
* Waiting end of threads: .................................................. done.
* Waiting cycle sleeptime 1s: ... done.
* tearDownCycle hook: ... done.
* End of cycle, 51.39s elapsed.
* Cycle result: **SUCCESSFUL**, 124 success, 0 failure, 0 errors.
Cycle #2 with 70 virtual users
* setUpCycle hook: ... done.
* Current time: 2015-05-01T06:49:29.289398
* Starting threads: ...................................................................... done.
* Logging for 30s (until 2015-05-01T06:50:13.407927): .......................................................................................................................... done.
* Waiting end of threads: ...................................................................... done.
* Waiting cycle sleeptime 1s: ... done.
* tearDownCycle hook: ... done.
* End of cycle, 59.97s elapsed.
* Cycle result: **SUCCESSFUL**, 122 success, 0 failure, 0 errors.
* tearDownBench hook: ... done.
* Success: 367
* Failures: 0
* Errors: 0
Bench status: **SUCCESSFUL**
#Web report (html)
whatsup@whatsup-To-be-filled-by-O-E-M ~/funkload-demo/wp $ fl-build-report --html wp_login-bench.xml
Creating html report: ...done:
#cp to web root
When 30 users, good, 50 users fair,,,,70 users fair
6 Slowest requests
The 5 slowest average response time during the best cycle with 30 CUs:- In page 002, Apdex rating: POOR, avg response time: 2.01s, post: /wordpress/wp-login.php Post /wordpress/wp-login.php
- In page 002, Apdex rating: Good, avg response time: 1.22s, get: /wordpress/wp-login.php ``
- In page 001, Apdex rating: Excellent, avg response time: 0.89s, get: /wordpress/wp-login.php/ Get /wordpress/wp-login.php/
- In page 001, Apdex rating: Excellent, avg response time: 0.24s, link: /css?family=Open+Sans%3A300italic%2C400italic%2C600italic%2C300%2C400%2C600&subset=latin%2Clatin-ext&ver=4.2.1 ``
- In page 001, Apdex rating: Excellent, avg response time: 0.00s, link: /wordpress/wp-includes/css/dashicons.min.css?ver=4.2.1 ``
#Well, most importantly wp-login.php shows not good. Should upgrade cpu cores or distribute requests.^^;
#top command result shows cpu is being exploited pretty much.
30 users.
70 users